Last Shot

This book is set a few years after “Return of the Jedi.”

Han and Leia are married and Ben is two years old. I mention this because it’s set during an interesting period. The Empire has been defeated, the New Republic is getting traction, and the First Order is not yet a threat.

The story itself is a little convoluted: a mad-scientist type built a machine that can make most droids homicidal. And this dude likes to replace droid pets with the appendages of “organics.” Han and Lando team up to stop the guy.

The good stuff is in the character details. L3 shows up via flashbacks (always great to have an L3 visit) and there’s an Ewok named Preekpa who is a great slicer (hacker), which is a surprising evolution of Ewoks. The movies made them out to be primitive, but that’s not the case.

This is also the most suggestive “Star Wars” content I’ve encountered. It’s tame compared to most stuff, but the word “ass” is used multiple times and Lando engages in Lando-y things.